About Me

I am a dad, a drummer, and an IT guy that lives in Texas. I work in authentication currently, handling SSO. SAML, OIDC, OAuth2. One of my sons told me that I like computers ’too much.’ Maybe so. I also really like mechanical keyboards, history, city planning, and messing around with static site generators.

  • Lorem
  • Ipsum
  • Dolor
my lake

Hey There, Lake

Our little lake.

This was my dog

She passed away recently. She was a good girl.


My drums. Since moving away from Austin, I only use these to give lessons.

There is nothing here

Nothing was ever here.

  • See the World

    I'd like to travel someday, but I probably will never get to.

  • Bowling Alleys

    I used to work as a mechanic at a bowling alley. I do not bowl, so it was a little boring. If you have issues with your AMF 82-70 Pinspotter, I'm your man.

  • Sad Songs

    To quote the Dread Pirate Roberts: "Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something."

  • Vexillology

    As if I wasn't nerdy enough, I am also into flags. I have two flag poles on my porch.